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April, 2002
Keeping you in the know
Construction keeps moving along on the new gymnasium and cafeteria. Completion is scheduled for Fall, 2002.
In order to give students the best possible service while at ESJCC, the Training, Counseling, and Career Development Departments have been split into Teams which focus around specific trades. Each team consists of the Trade Instructor, a Career Counselor, a Career Transition Specialist, and a Manager. Teams are: Business Office Technology, TCU,. Health Occupations, Culinary Arts, Painting and HBI, Carpentry, Welding, and Cement Masonry. There is also a Career Preparation Team in place which works with the new students until they complete CPP. At this time the Center is running at over 100% On Board Strength and most trades have waiting lists.
TCU does have openings for new students.
The KC Satellite announces the April 21st graduation at Brush Creek Community Center. Ceremony will begin at 7:00 p.m. Currently, the staff is restructuring the first 60 days for new students to include a more intensive delivery of key services and classes.
Approval of weekend passes is dependent on the student’s progress in the program. New
students must demonstrate they are drug free before a weekend pass can be approved. Students who test clean upon entry can apply for a weekend pass for their third weekend. Students who test dirty upon entry can not apply for a weekend pass until they successfully pass their second drug test and complete a 12 session drug education program. Other factors which enter into a pass request being approved: acceptable progress in all training areas, passing room scores, work day attendance records, and color card status. Any student on white card will be denied weekend pass. Transportation is provided only to the Linwood and Paseo area in Kansas City, Missouri. All other transportation is to be arranged and paid for by the student.
Off Center daily privileges are granted according to color card status. Color cards range from Red to Honor Gold. To be in red card status indicates that the student is meeting minimum standards of progress and productivity in the program. Honor Gold is the highest privilege and is reserved for only those demonstrating truly outstanding performance, productivity, and leadership abilities. All students with the exception of white card students are eligible for off campus privileges according to their color card status.
Excelsior Springs Job Corps currently works with 15 – 20 new students each week and has a back log of applications for those wanting to get into ESJCC. As each file is reviewed to ensure ESJCC can indeed accommodate that applicant, it is imperative that Admissions Counselors be as thorough as possible with each file. Files of Applicants on medication, dealing with on going medical or mental health issues will automatically be put on hold until all pertinent medical/mental health records are included in the file. While the Health Services staff recognizes that all information is gathered on a voluntary basis, the more information the staff has about the incoming students, the better equipped the staff can be to assist students and they have a much better chance of success.
Center Student of the Month Awards
Check out the latest announcement of our Student of the Month Awards. Congratulations Kevin Lay, January 2002 Student of the Month.